The Art of Optimization: Why you should take two roads in the woods
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the road less travelled by, And that has made all the difference” This excerpt from the poem by Robert Frost always sounds so inspirational. But is it...
View Article4 Leadership Blind Spots Even the Best Leaders Have
Have you ever experienced a blind spot in your eye? If not, do this test here: Close your left eye and focus on the X. Very slowly, move your head toward the image and back again. Somewhere between 15...
View ArticleHow to get buy-in for your ideas: Eight strategies
You have worked hard on your project, or your transformation initiative. Now there is only one thing left: Buy-in. Buy-in from your customer, boss, steering committee or whoever has something to say...
View ArticleMy Favourite Mental Models: The Effort-Impact Matrix
I believe that mental models are one of the keys to success in business and life. A mental model is a framework, a thinking tool, a visual,…something that helps you to reduce complexity and make...
View ArticleA.I. & Leadership: Will we still need “leadership” in the future?
What does the future of leadership look like in a world of AI? Will we still need leaders? You can watch my thoughts on these and other questions in my 12 minute talk here, recorded at the Nordic...
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